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Guidance & Counseling


Sara Coddington ~ (508) 248-1423
Adjustment Counselor

Michael Daley ~ (508) 248-1423
Adjustment Counselor 

Shelby Piekarczyk ~ (508) 248-1423
Guidance Counselor

Lynn Wildes ~ (508) 248-1423 x1105
School Psychologist – Gr. 5 - 8

The Charlton Middle School Guidance Department is a safe haven that offers a quiet, private area for students to discuss issues of concern. Our goal is to assist students and their families with managing through the obstacles Middle School students and their families may encounter. Counselors may meet with students individually or within a small group. To speak with a counselor, students are encouraged to sign-up for an appointment by placing a request in a private mailbox. Students may also request an appointment by speaking to a trusted teacher or advisor. We also offer students to contact us via e-mail. Should you have any questions, please refer to the above contact information to contact us at your convenience. It is our pleasure to have an opportunity to work with you and your family!


As Guidance Personnel, our mission is to help build, strengthen and maintain the home and school connection. We are available to offer insights and strategies in the area of child development, focusing on the social and academic aspects of students’ lives. Through counseling services, familial concerns students may have may also be discussed. Additionally, we may offer suggestions to parents and families regarding community referrals, such as specific agencies and/or community counseling services. Informative books, handouts and pamphlets are also readily available through our office.


Counselors are available to work with students to discuss requirements, review study tips and organizational strategies. Counselors are available to meet with parents and teachers to review a student’s progress throughout the year as well as agree on plans of action. A student may be seen individually or in a preparation group with other students who are working on similar skills. Specifically for 7th and 8th grade students, basic informational sessions focusing on High School preparation are offered in conjunction with an opportunity to explore their personal strengths and interests through career software. Through this software, students can research their potential career interests and discuss higher education options.


Social issues students encounter typically center around three basic areas of concern: peer relations; self-image and emotional well-being. Campaigns offered throughout the year address concerns regarding bullying, cyber-bullying and internet safety. Discussion sessions are designed to assist students with coping skills, peer-mediation, social networking, and conflict resolution. In part, it is our hope that students and their families enjoy a safe and positive experience throughout a time when so many social and emotional challenges are in bloom.